Thursday, January 27, 2005

Come with a full bladder

...what the consultant put on my note for my ultrasound today!
Val, Bob, Bill and I had a very enjoyable pub crawl yesterday but I expect you can read about it on their blogspots, save me typing it all!
Today I decided to cycle over to Frimley Park hospital but arrived in Frimley a bit early. I popped into the McDonalds Drive Thru (cycle thru?) and bought a Chicken Sandwich meal, did some people watching (mums and toddlers comingling with truckers and businessmen having working lunches).
After the Diet Coke my bladder didn't feel that full, but there was a bit of a wait in the ultrasound room, despite the waiting room containing only 2 teenage girls. I drank the litre of water I'd brought with me, nervously wondering how long it was going to take, trying to time it so that my bladder was inflated but not bursting!
Eventually, half an hour late, I had an untrasound on my tummy. The screen was to my right and difficult to see, so not as exciting as a pregnancy scan. The next step was a pee and then another scan, but the doctor could find nothing wrong with my bladder. Then the ultrasound of my women's bits! The probe looked like something out of an Ann Summers shop, about 12 inches long, and she put a bit of blue cream on the top :-O It was rather uncomfortable but again she didn't find anything, only 2 small fibroids which she said were normal and not problem-causing.
After the scans I had an appointment with the consultant to discuss the findings so far. Tissue samples OK, so not cancer - phew!! Hormone levels OK, but one of the blood tests has to be repeated, so more time off work needed, which is a nuisance. We also pencilled in a time for the laparoscopy, at the end of February. That will be at Woking Nuffield, further from me another nuisance. I hope they bloody well find out what's wrong with me, that's all! ;-)

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