Friday, June 17, 2005

Southampton Beer Festival

Well I WAS planning to have a quiet night in last night! Arriving home I realised I didn't have my keys with me - Bill Badger had borrowed them (because they had bike keys on them) to cycle to Guildford on Wednesday night, and hadn't replaced them in my bag. Bugger!
Was just walking round the house when I spotted a half-naked man in a car. It was Patrick, an old friend from Cardiff, getting changed before going to meet Bill at Southampton Beer Festival. I explained the situation to Pat, he agreed there was nothing to do but accompany him! We headed off to Farnborough Main, met up with Johnny P at Basingstoke when we changed trains, and the three of us chatted and caught up on all our news.
I thought Bill would guess straight away that I'd locked myself out, but he just assumed I'd fancied a beer or two ;-D Bill had had a few to drink already, and reccommended some good ones - Westerham Black Eagle, Oakleaf Hole Hearted and Dark Star Landlord's Wit to name a few. I also tried Enville Old Porter and Ringwood XXXX Porter - very nice too!
Ate a really nice Chicken Korma from the Guildhall canteen, £5.50. I also won some jelly-babies on the tombola, but they don't really go with beer.
Met my sister Shirl later and blagged her a cheaper ticket, as she was only staying for a half. She tried the Sam Adams Lager, which she drank very slowly! We sorted out holiday plans for August - North Wales seems likely. Then it was off for the last train back to Farnborough.
Fantastic evening - if somewhat unexpected!

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