Sunday, December 28, 2008

The End

Hi there everyone

I'm giving up writing this blog - increasingly I've been finding it harder to post here, and I have other interests on the web on which I now concentrate. Thanks to everyone who has read the blog, especially the regular readers. I will leave the blog up as it is, I won't delete it, as it's good to have a record of these past 4 years or so. Since I started the blog as a happy-go-lucky 34 year old, I've had 3 miscarriages and a divorce, but I deliberately haven't referred to these things as there's seldom any point in depressing other people. Instead I've tried to emphasise the fun and entertaining things of life, such as my romance and second marriage with Patrick, truly wonderful.

But before I go, here is a list of my favourite gigs of 2008, in no particular order:

Oysterband at Pontardawe

Demon Barbers at South Petherton

Show of Hands at Saul Canal Festival

At First Light (bloody good Irish band, with some Lunasa members) at Bath Folk Club

Flossie Malavialle at Whittlesey Straw Bear

Love to you all



Lever said...

Hey mate, I know the feeling - life gets so darn busy you don't have time to blog.

But do keep the bugger on life support and keep us posted, aye? I missed 3 daft monkeys the other week supporting Hawkwind 'cos I was having a few Rudolfs in the pub. Pah.

Regards to Patrick and, like I say, give us a nudge every once in a while, OK?

TCA said...

Sorry to see you go!

Good luck in life

All at the

Word Verification: nopoloo

Ron Southern said...

I know I wasn't a frequent visitor, but I still feel like I'll miss you! The sad thing is, there's lots of stuff in life to miss, much of which doesn't roll back by again.